5 Productivity hacks that make side hustle possible

Do you work a full-time job for a paycheck while dreaming about your passion project? If you do, I know that sometimes it feels like you are in the rat race. Spinning the wheel all day long, but you look behind, you are not moving much. Having a family to support, mortgage, or student loan on your back gives you less flexibility and fewer options. If you quit your job and do what your heart wants, to work on your passion project all day long, …

How a super nerdy developer plans to build his own product … while trying to avoid a fiasco!

Hi, It’s Ivan. This blog is a place for me to share my experience of launching products/services, right from the first day itself! Let’s start with the first one that I have right now. My product is a web application called License Bridge. What it does is that it helps WordPress developers to sell plugins as a service. In the coming articles, I will explain more about the inner workings of the web app itself. This story will be about my plan on launching License …